Scór na nÓg 2024
Well done to Conor Fitzgerald, Dylan Callaghan, Fiachra Duffy and Aaron Cantwell who represented the club at Scór na nÓg on Friday 28 October in Greystones. This was their first time competing.
Maith sibh Conor Fitzgerald, Dylan Callaghan, Fiachra Duffy agus Aaron Cantwell a rinne ionadaíocht ar son an chlub ag Scór na nÓg Dé hAoine 28 Deireadh Fómhair sna Clocha Liatha. Ba é seo an chéad uair acu a bheith san iomaíocht.
Seo daoibh cur síos beag ar na Catagóirí. Here is a brief description of each category. Number of participants in brackets.
Amhránaíocht Aonair/Solo-Singing (1)
A traditional Irish song in either English or Irish. Competitors can accompany themselves with a single instrument (E.g. guitar) or be accompanied by another person on a single instrument. For examples of Amhránaíocht Aonair go to our website here.
Aithriseoireacht/Recitation (1)
A recitation of a poem or story related to Ireland, its history, local folklore, people and places. Maximum 6 minutes in duration. E.g.: ‘Ach, I Dunno’ by Percy French
Ceol Uirlise/Instrumental Music (Minimum 2- Maximum 5)
Traditional Irish music. Each group plays 2 songs. Each song must be different in character. E.g.: 1 jig and 1 reel.
Tráth na gCeist (4)
Table quiz, split into 10 rounds of 6 questions. Questions relate to GAA, Camogie, LGFA, Irish Current Affairs, Irish history and geography, World history and geography.
Rince Foirne/Céilí Dancing (Minimum 4 – Maximum 8)
4-hand, 6-hand and 8-hand dances. E.g. Four-Hand Reel, Antrim Reel, 8-hand Reel. Further examples are available by clicking here. Wigs and school of dancing costumes are not allowed. Club colours are recommended. Dance groups may provide their own accompaniment.
Bailéad Ghrúpa/Ballad Group (Minimum 3 – Maximum 5)
A song which tells a story. Ballads must be about Ireland, its people, places or folklore. Each group must sing two songs. The tempo of each song must be different. E.g.: Éirinn Grá Mo Chroí, Buachaill ón Éirine, Bantry Girl’s Lament
Rince Seit/Set Dancing (Minimum 4-Maximum 8)
Participants perform two figures of a traditional country set dance.
Nuachleas/Novelty Act (Minimum 3 – Maximum 8)
A short play of maximum 10 minutes in duration which showcases an aspect of Irish life, culture or folklore. It can be dramatic, serious or comedic in tone. Hand-held props
only. Examples are available at Scór na nÓg 2020 | Babhta Ceannais na hÉireann | 01/02/20 | TG4 - YouTube (watch from 2:43 to 3:20)
Scór na nÓg Chill Mhantáin Foirm Iontrála 2024
You can find the entry form by clicking here